Nicely said audiokinesis. Lev I too enjoy the martins. Apparently you have one of the amps/pre's I've never had the chance to audition with my aerius i's. But I've tried many others to name a few okay ones were bryston & rotel. To name the ones I did not like with martins were meridan, krell kav(I've heard the fpb was good with martins), signature grand, audiomat, plinius, AR, classe, b&K(okay for the price). I know these are probably very good amps/pre's but they don't work that good with MY martins. The bat 3i/vk200 is incredible with martins and they are picky with cables. The nordost blue heaven bal interconnects work great, but the nordost speaker cable sucks with the martins(don't know why). Transparent is good and I did like the analyse plus, but my amp(vk200) was just breaking in, so I did not get a fair audition with the analyse spk wires. I did like to try the moon and lev stuff one day. But for now I am completely happy with bat. Good luck to allllllllllllll. Pete