I had this receiver once for a week on loan by the dealer. Very much disapointed. It's amp section is the ''economy line'' Celeste from Sim Audio, the same found in the Celeste 5080 integrated ( now ''rebadged'' Moon I-3, shame on you SIM, as it does not have high quality parts like the Moon line).
What's the use of a quality tuner section only to be reduced by bright and thin-sounding electronics?
Fortunately, the 208 is quite versatile, so I was able to compare the 208's tuner section to my NAD 4225 tuner. They both sounded pretty much the same, with maybe a very slight advantage for the NAD on soundstage depth.
I think one is MUCH better off getting any decent tuner (like a NAD) AND a very good sounding (and somewhat warm-sounding too) amplifier like an Electrocompaniet EC-3 or an Audiomat Arpège, if you prefer tubes.
Buy the way, I am an ex-Moon I-5 owner. Did not sound like music either. Way overpriced on the 208, and most of the Sim products also.
Last point. This receiver lights up like a Christmas tree in July, quite ridiculous actually. If you want a light show,get a real one, get a Mac !