Manley Snapper Mono's ur thoughts - PLEASE :

Today I just Sold My New Decware Zen TorII MK4 Tube amp and just purchased a set of Manley Labs Snapper Mono Blocks. Any one hear/use/own/know anything about these? I will be using them with Electrostatic Speakers, Martinlogan Spires and I would love any basic thoughts/Feedback about these. I have never heard them and going on my gut/faith in the brand based on what I have read and my love for the Manley 35 Watt mono's I own. Thank you very much for your time ...
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
The amps were purchased new in late 2006. They are in excellent condition; were retubed about a year and a half ago with EH6CA7 power tubes, Sylvania Gold Brand Gold pin 6201 tubes, and Sylvania 12BH7 tubes. Asking price would be $4500. I'm located in a suburb of Chicago.
Thanks for your response.
In light of their age, and their retail price when you purchased them, I am willing to offer you $3,600 for them. I do not need the tubes with the amp, however.
I would want to know their serial numbers and see a photo of front and back of the amps if you are interested in my offer.
Let me know.
P.S. You can simply email me at rather than keep posting in this thread.
Did you get together on these? How are they compared to the Snapper? I'm now curious? Thanks
I cound not power my Thiel CS6s with the Snappers but can now easily with the 250s.
Off topic - sort of. Curious why you parted with your Zen TorII IV? Not enough juice? SQ? Its a new mk, so it must have had a short life in your system...