Manufacturers pushing their products and agenda in the forums.

In the deep, dark, past manufacturers participated in the Audiogon forums with a general sense of decorum and a sensitivity to other products that they did not manufacture themselves and which were, from a design standpoint, philosophically opposed to their views. 

What has happened? Manufacturers now post into the forums dogmatically espousing their myopic view of the hobby, shamelessly pimping their own products and view of the audio world and, even more disturbingly, running down opposing brands. 

IMHO, it may be time to throw the baby out with the bath water and ban manufacturers, distributors, retailers and importers. If they can’t get their act together they should take it on the road.
I've heard there is an Australian manufacturer who posts on many forums pretending to be a customer of the products he produces.  Constantly asks question about "how good are these products?" "Or can you tell me if these products are any good" and then has a couple of helpers chime in with praise.  He was quite active on Audiogon until recently. He was banned on the DIY audio forum for doing this and ridiculed on Stereonet Australia.  Stereonet Australia has a strict policy about manufacturers not using the forum for commercial promotion. 
viridian I hope you and mike green can kiss and make up...once you have all of mike's previous user names perhaps you can kiss them as well.....good luck and I hope you two have a long and lasting relationship..LOL 
I agree 100% with Elizabeth about the shill threads. They are advertising products, and this is supposed to be a discussion forum about audio/video. The fans don’t just use the threads they start to peddle their faith based tweaks, they infect other threads also. And they are spouting the same crap over and over again. Make them pay for their ads and separate them from the discussion threads.
Post removed 
I'm paying a deposit for a preamp after being impressed and convinced with the Manufacturer's explanations in a thread.
Two weeks ago i was reading a thread about a preamp that is in my list with other three. There were opinions & point of views. The manufacturer entered the ring. All doubts were cleared up. I verified to confirm his points with other owners. I'm happy to  ead The manufacturers replies to all raised issues here.