Total BS and very voyeuristic wanting to see images to make a recommendation on audio equipment.
If you really wanna go there its total BS to ask advice from strangers on the internet, but IMO, if you want to ask anyway, a picture helps.
Marantz cd players
Looking for some advice on a possible purchase I’m planning.
I have been presented with a few good deals on a couple of different Marantz cd players.
1. Is a Marantz sa-10
2. Is a Marantz ki-ruby
3 is a Marantz sa-30
Looking for the pros and cons and the benefits of each one over the other.
I am looking at the Marantz brand because I am Familiar with the brand and something I have always had good luck with.
Thanks for the help/advice
@nonoise I second every thing in his post, particularly about the old Marantz house sound, which rolled off the treble to much for my liking. I am not familiar with their newer iterations. Btw, for the OP, the Marantz customer service doesn’t get high marks. Hopefully the CDP will stay problem free until you get your money worth, because after that you are probably SOL |