Nice choice. Keep me posted as you massage this Reference player into your system.
Happy Listening!
Marantz cd players
Looking for some advice on a possible purchase I’m planning.
I have been presented with a few good deals on a couple of different Marantz cd players.
1. Is a Marantz sa-10
2. Is a Marantz ki-ruby
3 is a Marantz sa-30
Looking for the pros and cons and the benefits of each one over the other.
I am looking at the Marantz brand because I am Familiar with the brand and something I have always had good luck with.
Thanks for the help/advice
Congratulations @thedoc2004 on the new equipment. Now sit back and enjoy your music! This site or US Audiomart would be the best places to sell your audio gear that you don't need. |