Marantz vs. Oppo or Theta

Hi everyone,


Sorry for the weird comparisons.  I'm thinking of getting a Marantz 7706 because of the manual EQ features (that's right, not looking for room correction). 

My biggest issues with processors and HT receivers in the past  is that some of them just sounded like garbage.  Really really thin, like AM radios.  Several Japanese brands and Emotiva were brands I could not really listen to for long.

My question is how the Marantz compares say to the Oppo BD players, which were excellent, or say a Theta from a decade ago.  I'm not looking for perfection, but robust and transparent.


Thank you,




I have the Oppo 205, love it, does practically everything, use it as a dac preamp direct to my power amp. Run a subwoofer and separate surround channels from it. Not sure how it compares to others mentioned BUT I am not aware of any other universal components that can do as much as the Oppo 205, unfortunately not made anymore.

@erik_squires   You did not offend me. I was just pointing out that the Theta Digital  Casablanca V ("CB5") is a unique preamp/processor -- and extraordinarily flexible, too. I also happen to own an OPPO 203, but it is not anywhere like the OPPO 205 because its analog output is only two-channel. I send multi-channel, whether audio or Blu-ray/4K, to the CB5 for DAC processing.

Based on my experience with OPPO (I have owned every model since the original, I think, 83), I can say with confidence that their products are well-engineered and well-built. I also know ESS Technology's SABRE DAC line well, too. Their 9038s are exceptional DAC chips. Combining them with OPPO's overall engineering and build prowess, and the result should be one terrific universal "shiny disc" player with seven audio channel analog output. However, it does not offer parametric equalization. Frankly, that is better left to your pre-amp.

The Marantz "house sound" leans toward slightly warm.  Oppo is more neutral.  I have a Marantz 7704 and before that an 8801.  The 7704 has been bulletproof so far and sounds great for home theater.  I've also owned Marantz CD players including the KI-Pearl. 

They were anything but harsh.  If anything, they were not great at detail retrieval, much like the Oppo, which is a jack of all trades and master of none.  Once you compare a decent disc spinner to an Oppo you'll realize that it is very middle of the road. 

In short, if a person is happy with the sound quality of an Oppo and wants a HT processor that is easy to listen to and not "thin" sounding, then Marantz should fit the bill. 

They don't appear to have any at the moment, but if you keep an eye on accessories4less they often have factory refurbished units at a significant discount that come with a 3 year warranty.

@big_greg  Thanks for that.  My biggest issue last time I went looking was that the two brands I evaluated, Emotiva and Onkyo had really thin sounding preamp sections.  Music was terrible and movies were not convincing.  They made my speakers sound really small. 

I certainly can't afford a Theta today, but I also don't want to go in the direction I experimented with before.


I've had a couple of Onkyo pieces and think the Marantz units are built better and sound better.