Martin Logan CLS vs. ReQuest

Looking for opinions to help inform a decision.

I presently own an excellent condition set of ReQuests (2nd gen, with the newer binding posts) but came across a pair of CLS with what look to be the II-series panels - the ones with the spars spaced, as opposed to being all connected - which I understand to be the newer style.

Hoping to get some feedback from you guys on whether you thought it might be worth 'flipping' out of the ReQuests in favor of the CLS, or if I'd do better to stick with what I have.

Thanks in advance!

Yes, I'm aware of the need for sub(s).

The question is, all things being equal, if I'd be better served by the CLS or the ReQuests.

BTW, it turns out that the CLS are the 1's, not the 2's as I previously thought.

Present equipment:
Krell KRC-3
Bryston 4B-ST

Its hard to say. Your current speakers are very good. I had Kinergetics Research subs and amps on mine, but you're not likely to find a setup like that. You're probably better off keeping what you have. If you're looking to upgrade, getting a new preamp will make a very big difference.
Heh... well, if you think the Krell preamp is the weak link, you should know it replaced a Mac C28, so I'm still way ahead of the game.  :-)
You should be able to get louder db levels from the Request's for hard hitting music.
But if you like to listen at moderate levels and to middle of the road, chamber or orchestral music the the CSL's would be less coloured and more truthful to the source also more agile, but not so hard hitting in the bass.

Cheers George