If you need to replace your older panels on Martin Logan speakers.You will get a sticker shock.They have tripled their price.Really sad.This will drive the price of resale down.Bad move on ML part.
Depends on the model you have,ML has made many speakers with many different panels.To many to list.But the average price would be about $2k to $8K now.
How long does a esl panel last as long as the user does not overdrive them;I have soundlab m2's and my panels operate perfectly;when a esl panel starts going bad what will occur?
Glad I sold my Aerius-i. I loved those speakers but one had a weak panel and ML forces you to buy the pair. A few years ago the pair cost me $500 so I can't imagine what they are now. I also understand they want the panels to be matched, but that should be your choice as the owner. I only needed one, so they should not force you to buy a pair.