Mastersound Compact 845 preamp upgrade

Hello to all Mastersound Compact 845 owners. 

I'm thinking 'bout upgrading my Compact 845 with Mastersound Ph L5 v2 preamp. 

What are your experiences with this upgrade, what will I get (or loose) with this preamp? 

Thnx for readin'! 

Best regards, 

I'm very very happy with my Mastersound Compact 845 sound. But every upgrade makes it even better. 
Preamp arrived last week, and definitivly stays in my system!

What I got with preamplifier is lots of air, much bigger stage, and even more neutral sound presentation. Oh, and much more air. 

There’s no need for A/B test (with preamp or w/o preamp), with first tone everything becomes so obvious...

Pure music enjoy!

Best regards,