Matching with Audio Note speakers

I hope there will be interest in this question. I've recently learned by reading about the wonderful capacity these speakers have for breathing life into music reproduction. I know generally that it is recommended to match them with SET amps, particularly to realize their full potential in midrange reproduction. I'm interested if anyone has had good results with solid state amplification. I'm using Herron electronics (with Spendor speakers) and would like to know thoughts about the AN speakers as a reasonable upgrade?
I used a pair of Audio Note ANE/SEC silvers with both sterovox PW-1's and Goldmund 18.4's with very satisfying results. I did prefer them slightly with very good SET amplification but could have lived with the SS as long as the rest of the system is up to snuff
i sure hope you are wanting to do this just because you are like me, you tend to change due to boredom or i just want something different, because spendor speakers are just wonderful, in say that, you are not going to believe this, i have owned linn, cary, ar, threshold, pass, bryston, and most of the great amps ,pre,cd compaies and i recently bought a budget pair of cd ,amp,int. from cambridge v2 , it sound so neutral and very tube like that it blew me away, especially for the money, you feel that something is wrong , not paying the big money. I know i have the amp, cd player up on this site for sale, that is because i am having to downsize my system to computer based system for very small room, i am not saying this that you buy mine, someone will, but i am telling you i have been around alot of equipment and they are stunning for the money...640 and 540 units and they would work very well with your speakers. if you are set on tubes...then buy all means look into the www.pacificvalve&, they have stuff that is well built and the money is right, i have several friends who own big money gear and they use their product with great sucess...dwhitt
Thanks guys. I'd like to keep my Herron (VTSP-1a pre, M-150 monoblocks) electronics. To my knowledge, they are neutral and revealing. At this level of cost and quality, do you know whether it would make sense to match them with the AN speakers? I'm pleased with my Spendors, but based on my reading, I was hoping this other British speaker (with Snell origins) could take the transparenccy and dynamics to the next level. I was also attracted by the oppotunity to save cost by building one of the AN kits.
only your ears can tell, the heron outstanding, so if you want to try the others over the spendor, do so, don't sell the spendor until you find out...or if you are ready to get rid of the spendor, then do so, but not on reading anything, your ear's tell you, not us or anyone else...dwhitt