Max signal strength to preamps?

I've been told many times by countless people to integrate my 2 channel system with a H/T system, as follows;

run interconnect cables from the H/T left and right main pre-outs to the 2 channel preamps inputs for a processor. In my case the 2 channel pre is a Conrad Johnson PR-F which has two inputs marked ELP-1 and ELP-2(external processor loop). These two inputs are however no different than any other input(CD, Tuner, ect) other than the fact that they have output terminals also(hence the "loop" I assume). These inputs are meant to accept a line level signal as are all the other inputs (no phono in this pre).

It seems to me that that signal being sent by the main pre-outs of the H/T processor will be an AMPLIFIED line level signal (amplified by the preamp of the preocessor). This signal is intended to go to the amplier. Wouldn't this amplied signal cause a problem with the 2 channel preamps inputs?

I have talked to the CJ rep. about this and he too was confused as to whether the above mentioned hook-up is correct.

I had tried this hook-up once and it worked for a short while, then my amplifier's protection mode started kicking in and shutting it down. I diconnected the H/T processor and ran the CJ pre stictly as a 2 channel system, but the amp protection circuit kept kicking in. This happened only with the CJ preamp and not with any others. I had just bought this CJ used and had only had it for a day before I tried the H/T integration, after which the troubles began.

I sent the unit back to CJ and they at first had trouble finding anything wrong. I was then notified that it was fixed and would be sent back shortly. I received the preamp back from CJ and it works fine, but received no explaination as to what was wrong.

So back to my original question; isn't the signal from the H/T processors main left and right pre-outs an amplified line level signal(as it is meant to sent to the amplifier) and is this signal O.K. to be fed into a preamp input meant for a line level signal.

As you can tell I'm a little confused about all of this.

Any help will be appreciated



P.S. It remains unclear if the attempted H/T integration hook-up caused the problem with the CJ preamp or whether it was a coincidence that it happened when it did.
I like the CJ. I can just about guarranty that if I had the same pre/proc as you and asked another audio question, someone would tell me to "dump the pre/proc and get a 2 channel pre".

Being new to this hobby can be pretty difficult at times, especially when you haven't heard enough examples of high end sound to really make a quality judgement on gear. Not knowing about audio but "knowing" what I like could be the same as not knowing art but knowing what I like, next thing you know I'll have a house full of Bose to with my velvet Elvis paintings and people will laugh at me.
You are hooking up your setup correctly.I go into the tape input on my pre.Same thing.Just find the proper position on your volume control for right balance for the rest of your HT speakers.Probably between 9 and 11 o'clock.Enjoy!
Well said, Say811. But if you are really committed to that same logic, then it really doesn't make sense for you to ever ask anybody any questions at all. Whether it pertains to questions about connections, misc. questions about this hobby, or questions about anything else in life.

Because somebody somewhere may give you an incorrect response and as a result you are surrounded by velvet Elvis paintings, listening to Bose speakers, maybe even wearing bell-bottoms and earthshoe, and people might laugh at you.

Yes, asking questions can be risky business.