MC Cartridges Under $1,000

Looking for recommendations for a moving coil cartridge under $1,000 (though in all honesty I'd rather be around $5-600). I have an VPI Scout Jr. turntable with the JMW-9 tonearm into an IFI iPhone Micro phono amp into a Simaudio Moon 600i amp and Kharma Ceramic Reference 3.2 speakers. I listen to pretty much everything except country and speed metal. Thoughts about retipped carts would be appreciated as well: worth it or to be avoided.

Thank you in advance for your input which will help improve my output.
Jkmnop, compatibility with arm and phono is one thing to consider, but you should state your priorities or we will recommend everything available.
Whatever you choose, I recommend Lyra stylus treatment/cleaner - good stuff. I suspect, it is also antistatic. They claim that it is harmless and will not dissolve the glue that holds the stylus. I believe them until and unless I have a reason not to.
Lyra Delos cartridge is about $1350 from the UK, $1650 in the US. Not sure about your particular set-up but might be worth for you to investigate when you are ready to upgrade.
But why only MC? Personaly, I decided not to go with under $1000 MC. I'll get that Lyra when I can, for now I am quite happy with Goldring 1042 MM, the bass is a little loose but not bad. Very nice coherent sound, not the last word in speed or resolution but pretty good. $360 plus shipping from the UK.
I second the vote for the Denon 103. I had one on my Scoutmaster while my Shelter 90x was getting rebuilt and really was impressed. I would have no issue with this being my everyday cart.
Denon 103 is best at where you really want to be price wise esp. the ZU audio mod version.
That said I'm with Pbnaudio on the Ortofon Quintet Black, having had used both, if you go to 1k .
Dyna 20X is a good choice too but IMO a bit rough and ready
for the acoustic music I listen to, but I can see why many love it .
Just bought a Clearaudio Concept MC. Right at $850 with trade in. Very happy with it. Had a Benz Ace Low before that got damaged. Liked it to. Nottingham Horizon table.