McCormack DNA 0.5 Gold or what?

If you wanted a McCormack DNA 0.5 Gold but couldn't find one what would be your second choice. And you could choose new or vintage.
Thank you. I'm in the process of buying the amp. You all have been so kind and helpful, thank you.
Labtec "Thus, they are near the end of their useful life and will have to be replaced anyway. "

Not true, I have a DNA-1 with a gold upgrade done around 2004 and Steve recommended just plug it in an play. No need to fix anything that's not broken!   
@jaynemo1962   I just recently had my DNA-1 Revision A+ upgraded to Gold Special status.  Steve said that anyone with a driver board 15+ years old must have it replaced if they send it in for upgrades.  My board was 20 years old and was replaced as well as a free replacement of the soft recovery diodes.  When all said and done, only the case, transformer and Nichicon Gold Tune caps. remained.  Everything else is new.  Biggest improvements I hear are openness of soundscape and dynamic ebb and flow.  Low level detail is superb.  All this for a very reasonable cost considering how much was done to it.