Thanks for all suggestions! The Adcom gfa-5802 was what I was gonna go with originally, and I'd still pick one up if I could find one for $600 or so. I came across the DNA-1 while looking for used 5802s. If I could find a 5802 for a bit less than a DNA-1, I'd grab it.
My main problem, which I think many folks here can sympathize with, is that my money appears to be burning a hole in my pocket. I'd love to get a modded/Rev'd DNA, or a DNA .5, but there don't seem to be any around, and I haven't seen any since I started looking a few months ago. I would certainly save money on the mod/revision that I'm sure I'll eventually get. However, there are a few DNA-1s floating around right now, at an acceptable price. I feel pretty certain that if I pick one up, Mr. McCormack will still be doing his thing by the time I collect enough box-tops to afford a mod.
For now, the plan looks like: pick up a DNA-1 in a week or two, and take Stereo5's advice and put some notices for modded/Rev'd/.5 DNAs. I've been flipping computer parts for a few years now; just a matter of learning to work with bigger boxes...