"Don't all opinions mask subjective bias"?
Of course! Sorry. I might have simply asked for factual technical info to
help me determine a direction.
Georgehifi: M.L. #3 - powered woofer.
To all: I accept the notion(s) that there are better amp choices
available, but I have a limited budget and have a DeWick re-built C-37
which offers the low-level sound shaping I require. Unless there there is a compelling cost/performance disparity, I'd prefer to continue with a
Mac amp. Now, given my answer to George, what Mac amp - Auto,
or direct, and what power - would be the most suitable, least
compromising pick?
Most appreciative of your input - all of you!
"Don't all opinions mask subjective bias"?
Of course! Sorry. I might have simply asked for factual technical info to
help me determine a direction.
Georgehifi: M.L. #3 - powered woofer.
To all: I accept the notion(s) that there are better amp choices
available, but I have a limited budget and have a DeWick re-built C-37
which offers the low-level sound shaping I require. Unless there there is a compelling cost/performance disparity, I'd prefer to continue with a
Mac amp. Now, given my answer to George, what Mac amp - Auto,
or direct, and what power - would be the most suitable, least
compromising pick?
Most appreciative of your input - all of you!