mcintosh home theater pre-amp tuners.

I have a McIntosh mx132 home theater pre-amp tuner. it's list price was 7k. I see on ebay that many of these, mx130, mx135 and so on doesn't retain their value. is there a reason for this and where doe's mine stand?
You do not have to be an audiophile to appreciate good equipment. The MX132 is a huge upgrade from a Marantz 4300 either the 4300 surround receiver, or the classic quad receiver. The gear you have now is better than 99.99% of the systems people listen to music on these days, think a cell phone and ear buds.
hlg3, i did'nt say that my 4 speakers are 4 bose 901 series 2 speakers. i used to visit a mcintosh dealer to look at there products . he told me that he never heard of a mcintosh amp powering these speakers.
take comfort that your MX-132 is a better 2-channel pre-amp than most. As stated earlier use the analog mode and it's essentially a stereo Mc preamp. 

If you love music and what it makes you feel than you really are an audiophile. It's not about who has the fattest wallet. The gear talk on this forum is mostly online dick-measuring, and members love to crap on Mcintosh.
Be sure to check out audiokarma dot com for more  Mcintosh info.

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