Mcintosh, Krell or Mark Lenvison Power amps

Which do you think matches up well with Apogee Planars ?
Krell was the go to when the Apogee's were new. FWIW, I much prefer Krell to Levinson and especially McIntosh. Depending on the particular Apogee's keep an eye on the specific minimum impedance. Not all of these amp manufacturer's amplifier models are necessarily suited for all Apogee's. You might want to consider some Classe' amps as well, though personally I still prefer the Krells. 
Another Krell vote from me.  I have a pair of KSA 250s powering my Divas.  Been happy with them for about 25 years now.
Hello, looking to upgrade power amp. Can you tell me if I should be looking at amps the can handle 2 ohm loads accurately ?