McIntosh MT-2 turntable

Any one with positive or negative thoughts on this turntable.

Ag insider logo xs@2xbernardwilliams

Having fairly recently bought a Clearaudio Performance DC Wood TT with the Tracer tonearm I am completely sold on the sound and quality of Clearaudio.  If it were me I would buy the best Clearaudio table I could afford and forego the meters and McIntosh name on the McIntosh table.

I failed to research the Mac MT-2 table before I posted above.  Scratch the part about the meters.  I was confusing the MT2 with the MT 10.  I would still buy Clearaudio TT instead of the Clearaudio mfg. McIntosh.

Thank you guys for the info. The mt-2 sells for five thousand is there a clear audio choice in that range that I should look into.