McIntosh MT5 vs Rega 8 or 10

Does anyone have thoughts on these turntables?  I love the green platter of the McIntosh, but looking for overall best sound.  I do have McIntosh mono amps but my dealer is telling me there is a year and a half wait for the MT5.


I own the P8 with Apheta 3 cartridge and am very pleased with it.  My two previous TTs were Music Hall and Thorens.  The P8 is paired with the Parasound JC3+ preamp.  Like most responses you will get, I like what I have.  Can't see any reason you would not be happy with the P8.  Rega is clealy taking a different approach design wise from those who think big and heavy is required in a good TT.  The look of the P8 does not please everyone, but I like it.  There are many who will say the look of the equipment is not important but If you're going to spend $4000 - $6000 on a TT, why not buy something that you find visually appealing.  IMHO

Spend on an equivalent Clearaudio (upon which the McIntosh is based). And use the savings to get a better separate phono amp and Nagaoka MP500..


Why do you say many prefer the Rega 8 over the 10? Everything I read claims the 10 is another step up in improvements. Are you meaning the 8 has a better value/price ratio?

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Why do you say many prefer the Rega 8 over the 10? Everything I read claims the 10 is another step up in improvements. Are you meaning the 8 has a better value/price ratio?

That's what I've read in many threads. It seems some people don't like the platter of the 10. I don't have personal experience of them, though my first decent TT was a Planar 3, and I still have a couple of Rega tonearms as secondary arms on my SME tables.