McIntosh MX model list


Does anyone know of a resource that lists MX by year along with specs or knows them off the top of their head?


I’m considering getting a used one, but it’s confusing to figure out the line up. From what I can tell there is:

119, 121, 122, 123

135, 136

Does 150, 151 follow 136?

and  does 160, 170, 180 follow 151

or are there other models in between that I haven’t found yet.


Thanks Matt. Some further research has revealed that there are really two lines. The first is Marantz based and uses Audyssey. This would be the 119,121,122.

The second would be Lyngdorf based and used Room Perfect. This would be 150, 151, 160, 170, and now 180.

Based on model year they seem to have similar codex processing, with the most recent ones having Atmos