McIntosh tube amplifier diagram

Has anyone ever seen an amplifier diagram for any McIntosh tube amplifier? If someone knows where one would go to get one, that would be absolutely marvelous. Unfortunately the company don't provide this.

My amplifier is the MC 901 and it just would be nice to see the signal route and the power route. Or a diagram of the 2301 which is similar although within the 901 this tube amplifier has been slightly modified to have a few more smaller tubes.




Very helpful and service manuals include schematics which is cool.

Probably should try to get a service manual for the MC 901.  But the MC275 schematic is helpful.  i can follow some of the flow but I need to find someone to walk me through it.



Call the guys in Vestal.  I have talked to them a few times, but never with anything as technical as what you are looking at.  They are close to the McIntosh factory and I consider them the ones that know McIntosh as well as McIntosh or as close as anyone can be.  Good luck.