Mega dollar systems. 200k on up. What are their professions?

Acoustical Systems Apolyt Turntable ($349,000), 1190.5lbs (540kg) for example. I will try to upload a picture.

Thanks for the info, Chuck.  Unfortunately, my back had not acted up yet, so I am very familiar with the "Not my first rodeo" waste of time.  I don't think anybody would think he was a rodeo novice -- considering the amount of bulls**t that spewed from his mouth on a regular basis.
Why do people care so much of what people spend on this hobby.  I work a normal job make a decent salary.  Wife does not work.  I was not given any money, put 3 kids through college.  I spend a good amount on my stuff over the years.  Not as much as many here but probably too much than I should have.  But I enjoy it.  Raises many eyebrows of friends and I get the "why" and "how come" questions.  But then I ask how much do you spend on "X"...  golf memberships etc.  I have one co-worker who makes less than me but his wife works so probably in the end more.  But he spends over $1300/mo in car leases.  Plus hundreds more a month on insurance and taxes on those cars.  So in my head I go it would only be 3-4 years to save the money to buy my stuff with those there you go.  People do "waste" their money, but YOLO.  My brother died suddenly at 49 years old.  Stop worrying about what others do and spend.  Live within your means and if it makes you happy  you win. 
The bigger question is does the $500K system sound 20X better than a $25K system. Given the law of diminishing returns - I’d say NO. Anyone who says yes - I’d call bullshit in a minute. It’s a placebo effect- you want it to sound better.
@polkalover you are correct. But it is well known in this hobby that once your system gets to a certain level there are diminishing returns or another way to phrase it is that for those that want those extra bits of real or perceived improvement the costs of those improvements go up and the amount of those improvements become small. Some find that acceptable to “top off” their systems. Others will say it doesn’t make economic sense. But we aren’t in this hobby for economic sense. 
@tomic601 I didn’t entirely miss the punk period. However, I wasn’t totally into a lot of punk either. But I was directing my comments from the point of view of the listener. My impression is that your comments pertained more from the point of view of the musician, which I do understand.