my deepest condolences to the family - Godspeed Al !
His contributions here were vast and valued. His way gentle yet firm and always with a heaping portion of helpful. I am revisiting some exchanges I had with him David - here is a pearl of a note from Al:
Conversation with almarg
I appreciate your inputs and contributions
always enjoy your posts, contributions.
Especially of late with the Roger M thread.
Not many people measure SPL, etc...
I also have the two DD discs you mention and they might not be the last word in performance, they sure are for dynamic range !!!! and the point you made about using that range to also judge the noise floor is so important also
Thanks, Jim. I appreciate the nice words, and I enjoy your posts as well.
Over the years I've often been surprised at how discussions of how much power is required ignore the question of dynamic range, with the participants simply saying something like "I usually listen at around 75 or 80 db," or some such numbers that apparently refer to the average volume of the music. While depending on the dynamic range of the particular recording brief peaks can require anywhere from several times the amount of power required to support the listener's preferred average volume to thousands of times that amount of power.
Thanks again. Best regards,
-- Al