Mephisto II, Sim Moon Eclipse How do they compare?

I'm curious, What are your thought's on these two players? I am looking to get a dedicated CD player (currently using a Pioneer DVD player). I want something High End, but I don't want to have to spend $6000-$8000 to get something either. So for this reason I have been looking at used players. The two that really caught my eye are the Sim Moon Eclipse, and Audiomeca Mephisto II. How do these players stack up? What are your thoughts? Any input will be most appreciated.

Geeez, you again! Only kidding :) Thanks for chiming in. Buy the Sim huh? Yeah the Sim seems like the logical choice, but, it's a tough call as both are first rate players. But I'm strongly leaning towards the Sim. Thanks for the post, It's great! Gotta love it.
good luck and let me know when you score one. meanwhile, i'll keep hoity toity frank in line. enjoy the music, bro. bri
hoity toity? This coming from Bose Rules Boy? Mr. Snobby Bobby himself! Hey HifiGator, ask "bri" about his 8-track set-up! It's a killer! The only probem is that his "Best of the Cowsils" tape keeps skipping. I told him to tape a penny to the 8-track tape the way he did his "Close & Play" tonearm - that should do the trick!

I thnk the reason the 8-track in his lime green Pinto (or is it a Vega?) doesn't have this problem is cuz he has curb feelers on it and a pair of fuzzy dice to ward off the audio gremlins!!!

Thanks Brian, I will definitely let you know when I score one. Yep, gotta keep that Frank in line :) Cheers!
Gator get the Sim or Guido from North Jersey is gonna come southwest and he will not be in a good mood.