Since you have an HD621, can you comment on the differnce it makes for sound? Comparisons get complicated and uncertain when you make more than 1 change. So let's make the simplest comparison:
1) G98 -> G68 MHR
2) G98 -> HD621 -> G68 MHR
Would going from 1) to 2) make a difference in sound? Or was your intent primarily to provide an HDMI switch?
Since you have an HD621, can you comment on the differnce it makes for sound? Comparisons get complicated and uncertain when you make more than 1 change. So let's make the simplest comparison:
1) G98 -> G68 MHR
2) G98 -> HD621 -> G68 MHR
Would going from 1) to 2) make a difference in sound? Or was your intent primarily to provide an HDMI switch?