Merlin VSM-MM v. VSM-MX

I've searched the Merlin webpage, the Agon archives and Google for the answer to this question, but couldn't find one. So if you know of a thread, please direct me to it.

Otherwise, my question is (and forgive me for my ignorance):

Besides the premium gloss finish, what are the differences between the VSM-MX and the VSM-MM? I'm interested in hearing about both technical/engineering differences and noticeable audio differences.

Also, I've heard that the different wiring harnesses optimized for tubes or for SS (as discussed in a footnote on the Merlin price list page) is no longer an issue with the MM/MX. Is that true?

Thanks much.

OK, my take on things after owning the VSM-SE,VSM-M, VSM-MM, and now the VSM-MX (piano black): the sound difference between the VSM-MM and the VSM-MX is not huge. In other words, practically speaking, pick the MX version if you really want the premium cabinet (which is outstanding, by the way). If you do not, the standard studio black (VSM-MM)has a great "pebbley" finish. Note that one benefit of the studio black version is that it is more forgiving of hiding slight scratches, fingerprints, etc.
I finally chose the MX version because I was able to put them in a locked, dedicated room away from the prying, sticky fingers of 2 young boys!

Bobby's answers as usual are spot-on and with regards to the VSM-MM's,I would like to add,they are the best speakers I have had.Cheers,Bob
I'll add my 2 cents as a new owner. I had a pair of MM's on order and ended up changing my mind at the last second and ordering MX's. From everything I read I was under the impression that the differences weren't huge. That being said, I know me and big or small, I knew I would always wonder what the MX's would be like.

Taking that into account along with the fact that I would like these to be my last speakers, I'm glad I went with the MX's, (piano black). It was the right choice for me. I'm listening to them right now and they are absolutely wonderful and I'm sure you'll be happy with either choice.


I had my original VSM-SE pair upgraded to MM (tube harness) several years ago and the difference was worthwhile. I haven't heard the MX. If you're buying used I'd recommend the MM. I've had my Merlins for five years (maybe more?) and have felt no urge to upgrade. They're amazing speakers and I always feel like I hear what goes in with very little alteration. They make all recordings enjoyable, but they disappear completely on high quality recordings. Highly recommended.

I'm sure you meant to say that you had your SE's upgraded to Milleniums.