MF Beatle Boxes are awfully dear.

Back in the 80's, I was looking for a box set of Beatle records, and a set of Japanese pressings on high quality vinyl sounded better, to me, than the MF, which seemed to have exagerated bass (not so unusual for MF records) and not so much clarity in the highs. Several reviewers shared that view. Older mono Parlophones were considered by many to be ultimate versions of the genre (the artificial stereo versions of the early records can be irritating - like hearing George play in one channel while singing in the other). Now, the MF sets seemingly command the highest prices. Did the "conventional wisdom" somehow change, over time, did everyone just "forget", a younger generation just doesn't know any better, some strange artifact of marketing hype, or what?


I had the Blue Beatles box and Liverpool Box (odeon). Both were Japanese pressings. While warmer sounding than the MF set, I definitely preferred the focus and clarity of the MF pressings]

For someone who's not a serious Beatles collector or anything like that, I could have done much worse than ending up with the Japanese blue Apple box?

Just wanted to be certain that I didn't end up with lousy-sounding copies of the albums.
You can build a set. Open single LP's for the most part are cheaper, MFSL or Japanese. It will take time thats all. I feel the mono japanese are the most reasonable for mono and the stereo recording can be had for less. The best mono's are UK but they will set you back some cash. I am still trying to get a 68 UK Mono White album in VG++ or NM for 400.00 but no luck. Most sellers on audiogon are more reasonable with cost than on Ebay but not always.
Check this out on EBay
Item #160325191686.
Japanese Beatles Blue box set.

I feel pretty lucky now having seen this auction...think I got mine off ebay for $175 shipped (roughly 6 years ago), and it's in better shape than this one!