Dear Logenn, IMHO the Ikeda silver inner wire is the best of all worlds. Very flexible, very pure, pretty heavy gauge and superb insulation which can (if one knows how) be stripped without the slightest harm to the conductor.
I use Ikeda inner wire since 20 years now and had nothing but the very best results with it.
Most of the great tonearms from the past to suffer from poor inner wiring.
If you look at several top-flight-tonearms of today, you see that many of them sport inner wiring of high caliber and sometimes even prime trademark.
It certainly is an essential part of their performance.
In tonearm we are dealing with the lowest and smallest (read: most fragile) incarnation of the audio signal.
Careful inner wiring with highest conductivity metal is kind of "clearing the alley for the sonic parade".
I use Ikeda inner wire since 20 years now and had nothing but the very best results with it.
Most of the great tonearms from the past to suffer from poor inner wiring.
If you look at several top-flight-tonearms of today, you see that many of them sport inner wiring of high caliber and sometimes even prime trademark.
It certainly is an essential part of their performance.
In tonearm we are dealing with the lowest and smallest (read: most fragile) incarnation of the audio signal.
Careful inner wiring with highest conductivity metal is kind of "clearing the alley for the sonic parade".