Wonderful stuff
br3098, thank you so much for taking the time to write it all down!
I recently picked up an MA-505X, seemingly in mint condition (time will tell I guess) at a relatively reasonable price, but wasn't entirely sure exactly what I was buying due to the plethora of models in existence and an almost complete lack of dependable information.
I was under the impression that the 505X had silver wiring, but whether or no makes no particular difference. I've never owned one but enjoy the sound of it a lot in a friend's system, so I decided it was time to check it out for myself.
Thank you once again, I'm most grateful.
I recently picked up an MA-505X, seemingly in mint condition (time will tell I guess) at a relatively reasonable price, but wasn't entirely sure exactly what I was buying due to the plethora of models in existence and an almost complete lack of dependable information.
I was under the impression that the 505X had silver wiring, but whether or no makes no particular difference. I've never owned one but enjoy the sound of it a lot in a friend's system, so I decided it was time to check it out for myself.
Thank you once again, I'm most grateful.