Yeah, its rough, because without the critical listening technical nit-picking you can't build the music system, but then the same thing that enables the building disables the enjoyment. Audiophilia nervosa, we used to call it.
Eventually, my case anyway, always get to a point things sound so good I couldn't be critical even if I wanted to. Which truth be told, I don't. What I want is that splendid catharsis only music can bring. When really its the music that brings that feeling. Not the system. The music. So relax. Enjoy the music.
Eventually, my case anyway, always get to a point things sound so good I couldn't be critical even if I wanted to. Which truth be told, I don't. What I want is that splendid catharsis only music can bring. When really its the music that brings that feeling. Not the system. The music. So relax. Enjoy the music.