Mini Maggies ?

Enter that in the search box here and nothing comes up ? Is any one using these ? What size room do you have if you are ? Impressions ?
I don't know because last I heard, Magnepan themselves didn't know and was asking people who tried it for feedback. Maybe you should call Wendell . . . he may know more now about what's likely to work than he did when they were first released.
Maplegrovemusic, here's a new review that goes into use of the Minis in a larger room. He gives some figures on maximum recommended room size and general setup guidelines.
Anymore I think this is really the best way to listen to hi end audio. Desktop speakers. Its really hard fitting 7 speakers in a room for movies, and it takes pretty big floor standers for larger rooms IMO. I think nice bookshelves, maybe some mmg's (a strecth) or these mini monitors next to or on your computer desk is the way to go. Keeps the rooms clean and to be honest nearfield can sound really really good. I may pick up some of these mini maggies for a desktop setup and get away from the large audio setup Ive used for years.
Another possibility that audiophiles don't usually consider, perhaps because they think they're only for home theater, would be the Magnepan on-walls. They're apparently comparable to the 1.7 when paired with the DWM woofers.