Minor Vintage Repair?

I've got a 40 year old Toshiba SA-2500  25 wpc receiver I got back in high school. Mid-fi at best in its day but well reviewed in its day and well reviewed recently by vintage audiophiles. It is in good shape and I use it regularly down at my country place. However, the light behind the station indicator is burned out. Without it you can't see which station you're on and you can't tell when the unit is on or off. The clear plastic indicator moves back and forth on a cable moved by the tuning dial. There is a wire that goes to it that presumably provides the power to the light but I do not see anything there that looks like a conventional light bulb.

Anyone have any idea how I can fix this? Probably not worth spending the money on sending it to anyone for professional repair.
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Good idea.Thanks. I have opened it once when most of the pots were not functioning properly. I used DeOxit solution on the pots and everything works great now except that one light. I won't have time to open it again for a few weeks but I'll look closely at that bulb and see if I can tell what it will take to replace it. The service manual would be handy.
Update: I opened the receiver up this evening. There are three bulbs burned out.

One rides in the pointer the other two are on either end of the dial face. They are all green. They are relatively easy to remove. 

They appear to be little wire lead bulbs. All three are green.

I purchased the service manual on eBay. It will be a few days before I get it. But, from the images I could see on eBay it looks like all three lamps are 14v 50ma bulbs. I will confirm this when the service manual arrives.

But, I've searched the web and cannot find 14v 50ma bulbs. I can find 35ma, 60ma, 70ma and 100ma.

Being an idiot when it comes to electricity I do not know if would be okay to use a bulb that isn't exactly 50ma. I don't care if it is a little less bright or slightly too bright. I just don't want to burn my house down....or have to replace bulbs every week.

It looks like these wire lead bulbs will have to be soldered in. The wires look too small to twist with the existing leads.

Take garden variety green LEDs and solder in series a 680 ohm 1/4 watt resistor to drop the current. Use a 560 ohm 1/4 watt resistor if you want a little brighter. 
Something like these?


I don't solder well but I can do it.

I also don't know what 'in series' means.
Does that mean: source wire (positive or negative???)-->resistor-->bulb for each of the three bulbs?