Hats off to you, Mahgister. I received the "family" version
of moskitofree from France. I agree with your comments.
The device probably should not be used when music
is just meant to be a backdrop for other activites.
When the device is "on" it simply brings the music
closer to you, and you become more aware of everything
you like, about what you are hearing.
I have used the device to treat cds, wanding for five rotations,
before playing. And doing the same around each ear.
The ionizer is silent and does not really move much air.
It is making a huge impact in what I am hearing, and is a
most pleasant surprise! A keeper, for sure.
of moskitofree from France. I agree with your comments.
The device probably should not be used when music
is just meant to be a backdrop for other activites.
When the device is "on" it simply brings the music
closer to you, and you become more aware of everything
you like, about what you are hearing.
I have used the device to treat cds, wanding for five rotations,
before playing. And doing the same around each ear.
The ionizer is silent and does not really move much air.
It is making a huge impact in what I am hearing, and is a
most pleasant surprise! A keeper, for sure.