Thanks for all Your opinions
question is if 50 watt in class A from SET ( but 50 kg of weight with beefy transformer ) will be enough power for Mani-2 in room about 20 m2 .?
Miraga M1 vs Totem Mani-2
Room is about 25m2
amplifier - Kronzilla SXI , 2x50 watt in class A in single ended from monster tubes T-1610 and beefy transformators
I know that M1 and especially Mani-2 arent speakers for tubes ( low impedance and sensivity ) but I am bass lover
Now I have M1 , maybe too big for my room , but I love this deep ( about 20Hz ) bass. Some time ago I had Mani-2 but in other room with other amplifier
What do You think about change M1 for Mani-2 again
Will be Kronzilla good match with Totems ( they like Power and stability ) ?
Can Mani-2 go as low and deep as big M1, in my 25m2 room ?
I am intrrested in Your opinions and thanks for any advice