Finally scooched the SC-IIIs out of the spare bedroom and hooked them up to my Rogue M-180s. I just set them to the outside of my Vandersteens, toed in a bit, but not very carefully. I never had these hooked up to my big tube amps. They sound vibrant, fast, and image effortlessly. Surprising how solid the center image is without fussing. The treble sounded just a tad strident, but they have been sitting idle for for 10 years. And I'm sitting only 9 feet from each speaker, not quite the recommended 10 feet or 3 meters (as I seem to recall).
The speakers must be 20 years old. Should I be worried about aging components in the crossovers?
The speakers must be 20 years old. Should I be worried about aging components in the crossovers?