ML sequel II recently aquired

        Hello ML owners, have any of you listened or lived with these ? I bought a pair from my friend/boss. My plan is a 2.0 system using a Parasound Hint6 and a Denon dp59L and a Bluesound Node2i.

        I gotta go pick em up, cant wait to get them home :0)
Im about an hour or two into setting them up, im def close, they were very beamy, and phasy.....
once i found a nice spot and tilted them back alittle.....Wow, and they are hooked up to my HT, cant wait for the Parasound to arrive and spin some vinyl  :0)
Had a bad woofer in one, and found a used driver on Reverb, sounds sweet, the balance was off obviously before.

these freakin things are rediculous and 30yrs old