The Jico SAS-MM1 is a CARTRIDGE, not just a stylus assembly.
Here's a link to it:
Jico SAS-MM1 Cartridge
In my opinion, you will find no finer MM cartridge under $750. It's outstanding. Now, if you're looking for audio jewelry to hang off the end of your tonearm - the SAS-MM1 isn't going to win ANY beauty contests!
It's not much too look at, but it sure sounds sweet and it's hands down the finest tracking cartridge I've ever heard in my 30 years of analog.
The fact that it costs a mere $240 shipped is astounding! The only thing I would say is to ditch the SME style headshell it ships in - it's not very good. I've got mine mounted in the stock Technics headshell on my KAB mod'd table.
The link, by the way, is going to take you to a site called "export-Japan" which is the only place you can buy the cartridge from. I ordered and had it at my home within 10 days from Japan.
Here's a link to it:
Jico SAS-MM1 Cartridge
In my opinion, you will find no finer MM cartridge under $750. It's outstanding. Now, if you're looking for audio jewelry to hang off the end of your tonearm - the SAS-MM1 isn't going to win ANY beauty contests!
It's not much too look at, but it sure sounds sweet and it's hands down the finest tracking cartridge I've ever heard in my 30 years of analog.
The fact that it costs a mere $240 shipped is astounding! The only thing I would say is to ditch the SME style headshell it ships in - it's not very good. I've got mine mounted in the stock Technics headshell on my KAB mod'd table.
The link, by the way, is going to take you to a site called "export-Japan" which is the only place you can buy the cartridge from. I ordered and had it at my home within 10 days from Japan.