Up your budget a little and buy the Soundsmith Carmen II. You can thank me later…
MM Cartridge Recommendation
The Clearaudio Maestro V2 is a fantastic MM cart that can be had used for less than your budget. It was the top dog for ClearAudio before the Charisma came out. I disagree on the HOMC comment above, there are some good ones. The Sumiko Blue #2 is an excellent overall cart when setup well. I used one for a bit while my Lyra cart was being rebuilt. Frankly, I was quite satisfied with the sound for the price point. It was overall very nice. In terms of the MM carts, I tried the entire Ortofon line and to me they were ok. Landed on the Meastro and for an MM gives my Lyra a good run for the (too much) money. The Lyra is a great cart, pulls every bit of detail, speed and nuance out of the vinyl. It can be a bit analytical on some recordings though, and requires very careful setup. The Maestro is just smooth, silky and clean. I really love its sound. It requires nailing the setup as well, but isn’t as finicky as the Lyra. |
I think it's more different with the low gain coil than direct cartridge coupling. it will pull out more low level detail and bigger size sound + stage. clarity and energy much better as well. its painful to burn in the cables and cart though to get it to perform better than the high gains and shibata /lc is always need much more accurate and ideal setup, tonearm quality becomes also more important . very easy to sound worse than MM... I had been to and fro of this for quite a bit.. at least that's my conclusion now. |
Practically any cartridge with unprotected cantilever like ClearAudio is awful, such cantilever is so easy to damage. This is the worst design ever, because normally most of the cartridges in the past 50 years have been designed properly with cantilever located UNDER the cartridge body, not in front of it! When you’re looking for a cartridge for everyday use take in count practical side of it (if you don’t want to pay twice). Also an advice for MM cartridge is more valid from people who actually own or tried many of them, not just a few modern carts. Never buy an MM cartridge without user replaceable stylus! The benefit of MM is USER REPLACEABLE stylus, not a factory replaceable stylus which cost like an MC service. If you want an MM or MI look for those with detachable styli that you can buy separately and install yourself when it's time to change the stylus. |