MM or MC cartridge for Mm input on Preamp

I have a MM input available on my Manley Steelhead and wonder that a MM or high out MC cartridge should fit in this input. 
Any recommendation or opinion is appreciated. 
Thanks in Advance. 


The “MM” input on the Steelhead essentially bypasses the autoformers used to achieve low input impedances typically used for LOMC cartridges. Those  low impedance autoformers are accessed via the two pairs of MC inputs. So if you want to load a LOMC cartridge at 47K ohms, you use the MM inputs set to 47K and set gain according to cartridge output. Don’t be confused by this, all the settings are labeled in writing on the front panel. Yes, it’s unconventional.

I have a steelhead and have always run my LOMC cartridges through the MM input.  I currently run a benz ebony lps MR.  I have always felt that the MM input sounds better.  

@car123 thanks for the response, and I am in search for a cartridge. Via this thread I am going for a MC.
Currently I have a Benz Ruby 3h and I like it overall and I have not had a chance to listen to Different carts on my system. My budget is under 4k (either new or used). My taste is midrange 1st, high 2nd , and bass last. Any recommendation is greatly appreciated. 

I find the MM input sounds better on the Steelhead in most instances. Anything at 0.25 or upwards and there’s plenty of gain. I’ve a 0.1 mv Audio Tekne that actually works on the MM input but there’s a little bit of noticeable background noise so I use a SUT.

But yes, I think the MM input sounds better and it’s worth looking for a cartridge with sufficient output to allow use on the MM.

Hana cartridges are a good match as are the Ortofon Cadenzas. I wasn’t thrilled with ZYX on the Steelhead, a bit lean sounding (Ultimate 100).

Sound Smith Zephyr is pretty good, the latest version. Plenty of flavors to choose from with the Steelhead as it’s very versatile and easy to use, with everything being on the front panel.

Rooze, the point is that max gain via either MM or MC inputs on the Steelhead is the same. Only difference is the range of load resistance available in each case. Using MM you can load an LOMC at 47K, if you like. Using MC inputs, the max R is 400 ohms. I’m sure you know this, just wanted to clarify for the OP.