True Bryston is go to-amp for many Maggie owners .
But most buying MMG’s haven’t got that kind of money.
As said byJl, Odyssey Kartago is cheapest amp available i am sure will
handle them.
I used one for about a year on MMG’s, switched to Van Alstine Synergy 450 which really opened them up but they cost 2k , a bargain at that price
but still more than many can pay .
But most buying MMG’s haven’t got that kind of money.
As said byJl, Odyssey Kartago is cheapest amp available i am sure will
handle them.
I used one for about a year on MMG’s, switched to Van Alstine Synergy 450 which really opened them up but they cost 2k , a bargain at that price
but still more than many can pay .