I had Michael do his MPC V2 Mod to a pair of 5m Elemental Tungstens. It really opened up the soundstage, much quieter background with unbelievable micro dynamics, tighter imaging and control which overall made for a more realistic, musical presentation. Hard to describe....increased the details yet removed the "glare" if that makes sense. On some tracks the cymbals would seem to be way out front and dominate the presentation, after the mod, the cymbals are just as detailed, but the "ringing" is gone and they are in the correct spot in the soundstage....much more realistic. I've read others describe it as "more detailed yet smoother"......my guess is the decay is much more accurate on all instruments and therefore much more realistic and appealing.
I just had Michael do the MPC V2 mod on a pair of IC's from source components...same result. A pleasure to work with Michael and a real bargain in this wonderful hobby!
I just had Michael do the MPC V2 mod on a pair of IC's from source components...same result. A pleasure to work with Michael and a real bargain in this wonderful hobby!