Modifying PS Audio DirectStream DAC

I just finished my first mod. It was for my PS Audio DirectStream DAC:

  1. Swapped in two Edcor XS4400 transformers.
  2. Switched the power supply for the analogue board to a Farad Super 3
  3. Added 3M AB6005S EMI/RF shielding to the inside of the case and on the larger chips

It sounds amazing now. Its like having a new piece of equipment. I was A/Bing it with my turntable and got confused as to which was playing! All the changes were pretty straight forward. They are described in detail on the PS Audio website. There are lots of pictures to help.




If only my hands were 10 years steadier....

How much to do mine?


The most expense part was the Farad Super 3. Otherwise it was very cheap for an upgrade.

This is an example of what amazes me when it comes to stereo equipment.  In Canada, the PS Audio DirectStream DAC retails for close to $9000.  Then PS Audio suggest parts you can replace inside to improve the sound?  Why then, at $9000, weren't those parts installed in the first place?  What am I missing here? 

What amazed me was they designed the boards to accept the upgraded transformers.  The original ones were about $20.00 and the upgraded ones were $31.00 + shipping.


It was very professional for PS Audio to give the information for the upgrade.  I could not have figured it out on my own.  The price to performance must have been to low for them to use the higher grade transformer or there were other considerations that gave it better sound.  The DAC got rave reviews when it was released.