Naunc, John Zurek from Positive-Feedback auditioned the HCA-2 paired with Thiel 3.6s and found them to be a good match.
In fact he is now using the HCA-2 as his main amp.
As for Sean's comments, I and many others couldn't give a rat's tail whether the HCA-2 deserves a Class A rating or not (it has already been debated to death in this and other forums). If we were to all buy every "Class A" rating product we might as well be born with bar codes imprinted on our foreheads. Do you always judge everything by a rating? You shouldn't because it is your ears that is the ultimate judge. So if a professional reviewer uses this amp with a pair of power hungry speakers like the Thiel 3.6, does that mean his hearing is poor and he could not discern at all that the amp "was neither fast enough nor stable enough for me to consider it a worthy product." Obviously he found something he liked and so did I. I am currently using the HCA-2 to power a pair of Martin Logan Aerius i's which are well-known in audiophile circles to be voltage vampires. They make a good synergy as Fiddler would say. I have even hooked this up to my dad's Maggies 1.6s with stunning results. Lack of speed; not reliable- are you kidding me?
If the HCA-2 is lacking for Naunc, then perhaps he may have to re-evaluate his system set-up (speaker placement, room acoustics etc). By just removing the bolt from the transformer of the amp (a worthwhile tweak I read from others), the sound became much better. Tweaking is worth it for this amp. I mean for $1,695 how you can lose? You can buy a used one for a grand or less- tell me how many amps out there at that price can give such a high-end performance. Besides I have seen this amp drive difficult speakers with no problem at all and so contrary to Sean's opinion there are many others out there who feel that this amp has enough power.
In fact he is now using the HCA-2 as his main amp.
As for Sean's comments, I and many others couldn't give a rat's tail whether the HCA-2 deserves a Class A rating or not (it has already been debated to death in this and other forums). If we were to all buy every "Class A" rating product we might as well be born with bar codes imprinted on our foreheads. Do you always judge everything by a rating? You shouldn't because it is your ears that is the ultimate judge. So if a professional reviewer uses this amp with a pair of power hungry speakers like the Thiel 3.6, does that mean his hearing is poor and he could not discern at all that the amp "was neither fast enough nor stable enough for me to consider it a worthy product." Obviously he found something he liked and so did I. I am currently using the HCA-2 to power a pair of Martin Logan Aerius i's which are well-known in audiophile circles to be voltage vampires. They make a good synergy as Fiddler would say. I have even hooked this up to my dad's Maggies 1.6s with stunning results. Lack of speed; not reliable- are you kidding me?
If the HCA-2 is lacking for Naunc, then perhaps he may have to re-evaluate his system set-up (speaker placement, room acoustics etc). By just removing the bolt from the transformer of the amp (a worthwhile tweak I read from others), the sound became much better. Tweaking is worth it for this amp. I mean for $1,695 how you can lose? You can buy a used one for a grand or less- tell me how many amps out there at that price can give such a high-end performance. Besides I have seen this amp drive difficult speakers with no problem at all and so contrary to Sean's opinion there are many others out there who feel that this amp has enough power.