MoFi "Mobile Fidelity" Master Phono.

Very interested in this unit. The interweb appears to be lacking pertinent information/reviews from owners of this fine-looking phono stage. It appears to be designed by Peter Madnick. Usually, I really enjoy the way his products are voiced. User impressions of the Master Phono would be very welcomed.


Thank you for the link. It appears to be a solid unit. Hopefully someone will chime in with a first hand account of its performance. 

I have heard it for several hours recently in a system w Mofi deck, cartridge, PS Audio and a very lovely set of Kef reference X standmounts. Excellent sound.

@big_greg might comment w his impressions and clarify what model Kef.

In general, agree that price point is hyper competitive.. i’m not sure what value VU meters bring…

I had the opportunity to listen to the system @tomic601 described and thought the vinyl playback was excellent.  I wasn't in "critical listening" mode, but noticed that the dynamics were great with the Master Phono and everything was nicely detailed.  If you read Fremer's review, the meters do have a purpose (to help with azimuth) and they look cool as well.  It has a lot of great features and a remote.  Speakers in that system are KEF Reference 1 Meta.