MoFi "Mobile Fidelity" Master Phono.

Very interested in this unit. The interweb appears to be lacking pertinent information/reviews from owners of this fine-looking phono stage. It appears to be designed by Peter Madnick. Usually, I really enjoy the way his products are voiced. User impressions of the Master Phono would be very welcomed.


I have heard it for several hours recently in a system w Mofi deck, cartridge, PS Audio and a very lovely set of Kef reference X standmounts. Excellent sound.

@big_greg might comment w his impressions and clarify what model Kef.

In general, agree that price point is hyper competitive.. i’m not sure what value VU meters bring…

I had the opportunity to listen to the system @tomic601 described and thought the vinyl playback was excellent.  I wasn't in "critical listening" mode, but noticed that the dynamics were great with the Master Phono and everything was nicely detailed.  If you read Fremer's review, the meters do have a purpose (to help with azimuth) and they look cool as well.  It has a lot of great features and a remote.  Speakers in that system are KEF Reference 1 Meta.

Thanks guys, this is helpful. I’m thinking about bringing one in from MD to supplement my Allnic H3000. It’s been ages since I’ve heard an SS phono in my system, and I’m very curious about the current option for my low DCR carts. Can always return it within 60 days if it disappoints.

I would be interested in hearing your impressions of the MoFi, if you did indeed bring one in.


Herb Reichert wrote about it in Stereophile as well and liked it.  Can't remember the issue, but sometime last spring maybe.