@eryoung2k It is pleasing to know that your thoughts have extended to additional devices to be utilised as a support method.
As you own the feet, there are trials that can be carried out, where the intention is to show the effect the feet has and to supply a theoretical idea as to what more of a incremental improvement can be attained by not resting solely on one device.
An option to investigate further, is to revert back, remove the ULN Feet and see where there is immediate change detected to the produced sound.
I won't refer to a change as a reduction in sound quality, I will suggest it is noticeably less tidy.
Familiarise oneself again with Tracks with Backing Vocals and Details that can be difficult to define. I suspect without the ULN Feet these will be a little less in what can be perceived as a honest reproduction.
Adding the ULN Feet, should add to the tidiness of the reproduction, and will become a sound, that one could describe as having a step or two towards being honest.
My experience has been that when a Sub Plinth is incorporated as part of the support structure and a alternative type of suspension footer is utilised, the tidiness becomes so noticeable, the former assembly does not seem desirable in any way to return to. I would even state in certain demo's a change that could be described as a 50% jump as a betterment has been the outcome.
What is really attractive is that additional Sub Plinth Board Materials do not need to cost the earth, neither does the additional footer if chosen.
For myself carrying out demo's in certain homes a Cork Pad has proven to be very effective as a footer under a not too compressed Chipboard Sub Plinth.
With a TT trialling different materials / footers can become a side interest.
The Link has been produced by an individual whom some class as the Godfather of Isolation methods. When his methods are understood, it does not take too much thought to see how plagiarised the shared info has been adopted and used for commercial purposes.
Even Townshend formed their earliest products by being adopters of Barry Diament's ideas.