A high quality cable will sound better: better clarity, better stereo image, that's for sure.
Mogami 3103 and Supra Ply3.4 speaker cables. Review.
Mogami 3103 and Supra ply 3.4 are very problematic cables. The Mogami sounds very dark, heavy, slow and atmospheric with rolled-off highs. Some have said that it sounds dull, and i can confirm that. If your system is extremely bright and extremely thin sounding, you might like it. When i put it in my system it sounded like i thrown blankets to the speakers. I really felt sick with this cable on. I didn't enjoy music with the Mogami cable. The Supra Ply 3.4 has many problems, too. The first big problem is the lead voacals which sound laid back, cloudy and very muddy. You will not hear a thing of what the lead singer sings with this cable. Backing vocals sound nice. The second serious probelm with this cable is its stereo image. It is not balanced and it draws the vocals to the left side. It's like the plane is leaning towards the left side. That is very annoying. This cable sounds soft, cloudy and very dull. Hi Fi News described as Lethargic and they still gave it a top award. Their review is 100% accurate. Skip all the low budget cables, that's my advice.
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noisebilly OP32 posts08-16-2017 7:25amA high quality cable will sound better: better clarity, better stereo image, that's for sure. I agree to that one, but so far haven't spent more than $49/pair |
- 11 posts total