Mola Mola Kula, anyone?

Just acquired one of these and am enjoying it a lot.  Great speed, transparency, and body.  Expansive and deep soundstage.  It can play with finesse and punch, effortlessly.  I was worried about the class D amplification before it arrived, but its performance put all that to rest.  I also have a Boulder 866 and actually find them more alike than different.  The built-in Tambaqui DAC is great, of course, but the pre/power amp combo is fantastic as well.  I also use it with a dCS Network Bridge and Paganini DAC, which I'm very familiar with, and the Kula really lets the dCS combo shine.  In fact, I prefer the sound this way vs the Tambaqui, but I think I'm turning into a bit of a dCS fanboy.

Any other owners out there?  What do you think?  I wonder how it compares to others in the price range as I'm just entering this territory.  D'Agostino Progression, Vitus RI-101 and SIA-025, Bel Canto Black ACI 600, T+A PA3100 HV come to mind.

I look forward to listening to it when I'm not around, which is a good sign, but time will tell if it's the one (as if such a thing exists).


i am in the exact same spot, except i do not have any of these but i am tempted by the same devices.

I want to simplify my system to get something working flawlessly and with less surface to be touched by the little hands coming into our life next month!

So for listening to bowie lullabye, @Eugene, do you have more insight since you spent mor etime with both? I am not living in a country where i can listen to them, so i have to make up my mind on paper... or going to another direction like integrated hegel with a dac, or a spec corp M99 with their own dac, audionet Watt+dac, indeed T+A PA3100 HV +dac (which also has great reviews) etc.

So sorry that i can not add any info... but just more questions :-)

AUDIONET WATT + TAMBAQUI!!!  Both amazing.

Gives you flexibility:


DAC is separate so you could change either (but you won't!)

Could add amps later if wanted...Watt is world class preamp.


I have heard this combo.  I have not heard the spec corp or T+A

Many thanks for sharing your experience fastfreight ! This comforts me in the idea that all these choices will be anyway highly enjoyable.

i think this total shoot out could only be done in Sweden at perfect sense, this would be quite an afternoon 😉