Mola Mola Tambaqui

Mola Mola Tambaqui: gots mine. Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv it . Gets yer own.
The Tambaqui dac quickly showed other dacs we had on hand their performance ceilings. There are five of us we share components and each of us take turns on hosting others with drinks and great music ,

We each use different sources hand dacs we have Audio Byte Hydra Vox ,Denafrips Termintor , Chord Qutest, Holo Audio May KTE , Musician Audio Aquarius , Rockna WaveDream XLR.

The Mola Tambaui was borrowed from a local dealer it convinced me . Using various sources ,streaming and ripped CDs what is fed to the dac will scale up with noticeable sound quality .
A very recent purchase of a used Innuos Statement server clearly points this out so my next step after my wallet recovers I will be purchasing a Mola Tambaqui.

My Tambaqui replaced my Vega G2 which replaced my PS Audio Direct Stream.

As others said, no regrets!  And I think more affordable than you think because I use it as streamer and DAC; So no additional Streamer, Power cord and (USB) cable.   Love it with my Audionet electronics and YG Haileys!  I also use EtherREGEN which improved everything a bit more.